Business Loans
Take advantage of the opportunity to grow your business with a lending solution that fits your needs.
Business Checking | Business Savings | Business Loans | Business Debit Cards | Business Credit Cards | Cash Management Services
Businesses thrive at the point where hard work and opportunity meet. We know that you already work hard for your successes, and that’s why we want to help; whether you’re a small business, large enterprise, non-profit, or municipality, Centreville Bank is here to work with you to build opportunity into our Rhode Island communities.
The financing your need to expand your business.
Business Mortgages
It’s all about Location, Location, Location. Find a spot to create your perfect headquarters, your newest outpost, or that bigger space for your growing workforce – and we’ll help with the financing.
Business Lines of Credit
Money ebbs and flows throughout a month, and you know sometimes you’ve just got to follow the tide. Business Lines of Credit are helpful for unforeseen moments when you need the cash now.
Business Term Loans
You don’t want anything to get in the way of your growth. With a Centreville Bank Business Term Loan, we can be with you while you’re building, acquiring, or disrupting within your industry. Our loans give your business the flexibility it needs.
SBA 504 Loans
As a small business owner, it shouldn’t be difficult to get the funds you need. We work to provide SBA 504 Loans to organizations like yours that just need a little extra support.