Debit Mastercard®
Using a Debit Mastercard® for purchases gives you the ultimate in flexibility.
Checking | Savings | Debit Mastercard® | Credit Cards | ITMs (Interactive Teller Machines)
The convenient way to pay, no matter where you go.
You have a lot of things on your plate, so you don’t have time to worry about whether you’ve got enough cash on-hand. With the Centreville Bank Debit Mastercard®, you can easily pay for your purchases directly from your checking account or get cash when you need it from our extensive network of ATMs.
ATM Locations Everywhere
Don’t throw your money away paying ATM surcharges! Centreville Bank has partnered with SUM® to provide you fee-free transactions at all SUM ATMs. Visit the SUM website to find convenient ATM locations near you.*
Superior Security
The Centreville Bank Debit Mastercard® comes standard with the safety and support of Identity Theft Resolution Services through Mastercard®. You will have 24/7 access to Certified Resolution Specialists who will work to protect you against any potential identity theft activity you might encounter. You can contact Mastercard® directly at 800.MC.ASSIST (800.622.7747) to take advantage of these benefits or click here for a full description of benefits.
Fraud Monitoring
Our goal is to provide you a secure card that you can feel confident using, which is why we offer fraud monitoring for all our customers. If we see suspicious activity, we’ll reach out to you directly and work together to keep your money safe. You can also contact us ahead of time if you are planning to travel or will be using your card in a manner that is not consistent with your normal activity or spending patterns, to ensure that you do not experience any interruption in availability.
Apply for Your Debit Mastercard®
Visit your local branch or reach out to our Customer Contact Center today to get started!
* Centreville Bank is continually expanding our ATM network so you can access your accounts – with no surcharge fee. Look for the SUM® logo for access to your accounts. Thousands of ATMs participate in the SUM® Alliance, so there’s one wherever you travel. Charges may apply at select SUM® locations. SUM and design are trademarks of NYCE Payments Network, LLC.