Government Payables Management
Streamline payment processes, enhance control and efficiency.
Government Receivables Management | Government Liquidity Management Direct | Government Payables Management | Government Visibility and Controls
Payment verification done quickly and simply.
Account reconcilement is important, but with the time it takes, you could be accomplishing so much more. If there were only a way to streamline the process, you could spend more of your time with your constituency, making a difference in your community and an impact on Rhode Island as a whole.
Centreville Bank has Payables Management solutions that can give you some of your time back. Using Account Reconcilement and Positive Pay services, you can speed up the payment verification, while ACH services help you make your payments faster. You can also take advantage of wire transfers to get your money where it's going quickly and securely.
Learn more about our Payables Management solutions - contact Ted M. Lake, Vice President, Director of Commercial Services and Government Banking at 401.827.5273 or today.