Business Elite Money Market
Maximize your business savings without losing your money’s liquidity.
Focus on growth and put your savings to work.
You care about growing your business, not constantly searching for the best rates on different savings options. We think you should stay focused on what really matters – your customers and business. We’ll do the rest.
Our competitive Business Elite Money Market account was designed in tiers. This means your interest rates increase automatically as you hit certain thresholds. Let us worry about your rates, so you can keep your eyes where you want them - on future growth.
- Easily access your funds 24/7
- Check writing1
- Avoid maintenance fee if requirements are met2
- Daily compounding interest
Learn more about our Business Elite Money Market account by contacting us today!
1. See the “Transfer Limitations” section of “Terms and Conditions of Your Account” for transaction limitations. An excessive transfer fee may apply.
2. Avoid $10 monthly maintenance fee will be waived if minimum balance of $10,000 or more is maintained daily
3. APY – Annual Percentage Yield